Technical Details: LibreCrypt Volumes and Keyfiles

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Technical Details: LibreCrypt Volumes and Keyfiles

A LibreCrypt container (regardless of whether its stored in a file or partition) consists of two things:

    * A critical data block (CDB) * An encrypted partition image

The CDB may either form part of the volume, in which case it is prepended to the encrypted partition image, or it may be stored as a separate file, in which case it is referred to as a "keyfile".

Users may create any number of keyfiles for any given volume. To create a new keyfile, the user must supply either:

    * An existing keyfile, and its password, etc * A volume file which has a CDB

together with its password, salt length, etc. The keyfile or volume CDB supplied will then be read in, decrypted, and re-encrypted with a new password, salt length, etc (all supplied by the user) before being written out as the new keyfile.

A full definition of the contents of a CDB/keyfile is supplied in this documentation.
